Thursday, 5 October 2017

Assessing the Ideal Team Player

What makes an ideal team player?  What qualities would you want them to demonstrate?  How do you assess job applicants or even current members of your team, to make sure that they have the qualities you want? 

I frequently get asked these questions because

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Bad is stronger than good

Is your fear of losing out clouding your thinking?  Are you persisting with a poor strategy just because you have invested a lot of time, effort or money in it?   Our evolutionary hard-wiring and hyper-sensitivity to danger and loss has helped us survive and become the most successful species on the planet, but this ancient survival strategy can inhibit growth and damage important relationships because it becomes the Thinking Trap of Safety.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Are you being too helpful for your own good?

One of the greatest challenges of leadership is how to use the level of power you have to ensure mutual needs are met.  This is the key to enduring and positive relationships.  While it’s great to be helpful, if it’s not balanced it can lead to unintended consequences like not achieving the key result you are accountable for because they require your attention and skills.  However, if you are overly assertive and only ensure that your own needs are met you end up being self-centred and dominating which can rapidly erode trust and undermine the possibility of long term relationships. 

Thursday, 3 August 2017

How is distance affecting your thinking?

Your perception of distance has a profound effect on your thinking and decision making.  When a tragedy occurs in a particular neighbourhood people often say we didn’t expect that ‘here’.  We are so used to hearing about awful things happening in distant places but when it happens in our own neighbourhood we are far more shocked.  This is very understandable.  The closer an incident is to us the more we feel that it could have happened to us.  However, it is interesting how we unconsciously transfer this thinking to abstract concepts like time and ownership, and it can create the Thinking Trap of Distance.

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Are you limited by the people around you?

You are being limited by the experience of the people around you.  Many Leadership teams fall into the Thinking Trap of Experience because they believe that once a subject or idea is discussed and debated by the team it is sufficient to make a good decision.  Sadly, most Leadership teams are lacking the necessary diversity to fully consider the complexities of the current technological, political, social and volatile economic environments.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

The Thinking Trap of Expedience

Even President Trump has had to admit that things are more complicated than he initially thought!  While this is no surprise to most of us, many people don’t even notice that their brain is massively simplifying the complexities of the world they live in just to make some sense of it.  What are you over-simplifying? 

Thursday, 22 June 2017

The Thinking Trap of Similarity

What media do you consume?  Who do you listen to?  Whose opinions do you agree or disagree with?  One of the key skills of living in the 21st century is being able to filter the vast amount of data, information, opinion and highly sophisticated marketing that are bombarding us almost every waking hour.  In order to make any sense of it all we are constantly making choices about what we pay heed to. 

Thursday, 8 June 2017

The 5 Thinking Traps

All your decisions are biased!  This is a simple fact that we all need to get more used to.  If we don’t we are in danger of allowing a lot of automatic, and often unhelpful, patterns of thinking influence the major decisions we make. This could be anything from recruiting for a key role in our business or choosing a key supplier, to making a critical strategic decision or voting in an election.  However, these thinking traps also blur the hundreds of tiny decisions we make every day.

Friday, 5 May 2017

3 Steps to having a Happy Boss

Effective management requires discipline . . . but not necessarily the discipline you think – I’m talking about self-discipline.  I’ve recently been doing a lot of Executive Coaching for Senior Managers and Directors and there is a common theme that frequently comes up... wanting some quality time with the boss.  However, this is actually a double-edged sword. 

Thursday, 6 April 2017

7 tips for Managing Moaners

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to have a talent for complaining and moaning?  There is always something wrong or they feel that it’s always another person who is causing all the problems in their life.  They tend to wallow in victimhood and feel everything is unfair.  If not managed, these individuals can quickly create a toxic environment and drag the rest of your people down.  In fact, their energy can contaminate a whole office as soon as they walk in.  

Friday, 3 March 2017

Lack of trust is damaging your business – here’s how to fix it

The current lack of trust is a major issue in many organisations.  In their 2016 Global CEO Survey PwC reported that 55% of CEOs think that a lack of trust is a serious threat to their organisation’s growth.  Sadly, most of them of them have done little to improve it because they are not sure where to start.

Friday, 3 February 2017

Are your decisions creating unintended consequences?

Are your decisions creating unintended consequences?  If they are you may need to review how much you need to control the decision-making process in your business.  Are you the only one who really makes decisions or do you seek to collaborate?

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Is fear stealing your peoples’ resourcefulness?

Fear can be useful - it keeps us safe when there is real physical danger, but it can also be very detrimental because it can steal our resourcefulness just when we need it most.  How is your behaviour as a leader and manager impacting on the resourcefulness your people?