Thursday, 28 February 2013

How do you handle negative feedback?

Receiving negative feedback is never easy but by managing your thinking and your emotions it is possible to use it positively.  It’s all about perceptions and what you make it mean.  If you think about it, all of the most successful people have simply made more mistakes and had more negative feedback than others . . . but they never let it get them down.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

In management, once is not enough

Are you falling into the trap of telling your people only once and assuming that they will then diligently get on with your request?  How do you ensure that your requests stay at the top of their list of priorities?  Are you taking your power for granted?

Thursday, 14 February 2013

How do you convince yourself?

We all have to make hundreds of decisions every day but how do you go about convincing yourself of something? Why do some people ‘know right away’ and others seem to need more information. Understanding your own ‘convincer mode’ can make a significant difference in the way you gather information and the results you get.